The Next Generation of Form-Based Codes

What is PlaceCode?
PlaceCode is the next generation of form-based codes. The framework has emerged out of a need for more consistent and user-friendly land use regulations in New England, and throughout the country. A library of elements in the PlaceCode brings clarity to zoning regulations for homeowners and real estate professionals alike, and makes administering the code simple for communities with limited staff capacity. The end result is a set of land use rules that clearly reflect the desires of a community and leads to better projects.

The PlaceCode is being developed as an open-source, character-based template code.  Principle and a core team of collaborators will be launching the library of code elements online so that in the future anyone can build a code, add code elements to the library, and ideally change zoning to build better places. Watch the Tedx Talk. 

"Zoning shouldn't stop us from creating great, authentic places." Russell Preston at TedxPiscataquaRiver


Can't wait for PlaceCode?
Become a Beta-Tester!

We're looking for industry professionals to help us refine this new code framework. If you're frustrated by the current zoning process, try the PlaceCode and let us know what you think. We'll be working on refining newly released Beta 3.0 over the course of 2018-2019, and will keep the PlaceCode community posted with updates as we go.  
