PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Sparked by years of grassroots organizing and visioning, the City of Providence is embarking on a formal vision process for the Woonasquatucket River Corridor, including the greater Smith Hill, Olneyville, and Valley neighborhoods. Principle will lead the community in a comprehensive visioning effort in order to develop a long-term strategic vision for the Corridor.
To kick off this process, community members are invited to attend a design charrette November 14-19 to identify the community’s most loved places and favorite ideas, all while a team of urban designers maps them out in real time. The workshop will aim to leverage community wisdom and existing community assets to create a cohesive vision for the neighborhood. Illustrative master plans will be prepared to give form to the collective aspirations of the community, as well as offer a series of tools to developers and community leaders. The work will include a close look at the market and built potential of a number of catalytic sites, providing greater clarity regarding the costs and methods needed to implement the vision and redevelop key parcels within the district.
Funded by a Brownfields grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, we will work closely with the City of Providence and community partners to plan for the thoughtful redevelopment of polluted industrial sites to stimulate economic development that benefit Providence residents, and strengthen environmental and social resilience in the corridor. The Vision Plan will be used to guide and prioritize the many investments planned and underway, determine other needed investments, visualize what desirable reinvestment looks like, and advocate and secure resources for implementation.
For more details, please visit the City of Providence’s website.
Community Kick-Off Picnic
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Iglesia Puerta de Refugio
247 Valley Street, Providence RI
Community Planning Workshop
Tuesday, November 14–Saturday, November 18, 2017
10am–8pm daily
WaterFire Arts Center
475 Valley Street, Providence RI